I’m currently thinking how to map the F77 layout to my needs and I think I will be needing some tactile cues for 4 (F4) and 8 (F8). I use the functional keys during code debugging sessions and feeling the keys, just like I can feel the gaps between the functional keys in my current keyboard’s layout would be extremely beneficial.

Are there any key caps with different rugosity or with tactile bumps in the middle/upper area of the key?

Many thanks!

admin Answered question April 15, 2020

Yes, you can order any 1U key with a bump (like F and J keys) for 1U legends like F4 and F8 using the store item “Extra keys”

You can also order the $24 front printed set and specify (nubs for F4 and F8 keys) at no extra charge (limited time offer for this month).

On extra orders please do choose the free/other shipping option to avoid extra charges.

Higgsboson Posted new comment July 1, 2021

Ordered a front printed set. Thanks for the response!

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