
I am wondering what kind of weighting the springs have. I like the fact that Model F springs are lighter (60 – 65 g) than Model M springs (65 – 70 g). I find Model M springs too stiff and heavy but have never tried Model F springs.

Can you feel the weighting difference between model M and model F? How much lighter do they feel in practice (I know it might be hard to describe but how noticeable is the difference)?

I am also a bit worried that the springs might become stiffer over time so if the current springs are 65 g they will eventually become 70 or maybe even more as it ages. Maybe they should be designed with a newly produced weighting of less than 60 g to counter this.

What kind of weighting does the current newly produced springs have?

I have not finalized the specifications or weightings but the intention is to match the original springs in weighting and other performance aspects to give everyone an authentic Model F experience.  The factory has tested the original spring weightings and is mandated to match these specs for the new production springs.  Model F springs generally feel lighter due to higher quality materials – better plastic in the barrels, an interior construction with heavy steel plates, etc.  Not only due to the Model F springs being slightly lighter.  Everyone will get the same high quality springs with the ability to buy extras for future repairs/older Model F keyboard repairs.


The springs do not become stiffer over time.  Having typed on brand new Model F springs for this project, generally there is a break in period before the springs are optimal for typing.

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