June Update: Bay Area Meetup, NYC Meetup, Update on Springs and Keys

Bay Area California Model F Meetup planned for Saturday July 7:  https://www.reddit.com/r/MechanicalKeyboards/comments/8pfa1d/bay_area_ca_meetup_brand_new_model_f_keyboards/

I need some help coordinating the meetup especially with securing a venue – please let me know what you can help with!


NY Mechanical Keyboards Meetup this Saturday June 16:  I will be bringing the Brand New Model F prototypes!  https://www.reddit.com/r/MechanicalKeyboards/comments/8q96lu/nyc_mechanical_keyboard_meetup_this_saturday/


Update on the springs:

Spring Success! Out of the 12 samples we have one match that will be approved for production! The search is finally complete after several dozen unique spring variations over the past few years.

I would say it is as nice or even nicer (less worn out) than my original gold standard reference (off my 1984 6110344 F122). It has a sharp click followed by a solid resonance that is not too high in pitch, not too low in volume, and not too short in duration. I was surprised the match was so close to not only any original Model F spring but to my reference spring/flipper.

I hope to bring the new springs (along with the keyboard prototypes) to the NY meetup on Saturday and to my Bay Area (CA) Model F meetup I am trying to set up on July 7.


Update on keys:

New key samples should be here later this week.  They have been working on fixing a couple of the mold key cavities and getting the PBT colors right.