Hi, I love my F62 but I’ve been using blank keycaps and it’s driving me crazy. I ordered the new printed keycaps, but apparently they won’t ship for another several months at least. Do you stock any keycaps with legends that I can use in the meantime, or know where I can find them? Thanks.

admin Answered question October 28, 2020

Hi Alison,

Keys borrowed from an old Model M or Model F will work fine on the new Model F keyboards, if you have any of those old keyboards.

I do have some in stock printed key sets – one is a printed Model M US layout with APL legends (includes num pad keys), and the other is a printed Model M set with IBM SSK style legends (num pad keys not included). Please feel free to google “Model M APL keyboard” and “Model M SSK keyboard” to see photos and feel free to email me for more details on ordering them!

admin Answered question October 28, 2020
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