
I’d like to get an ultra compact F77 with black case and black unprinted keys.

As for the right hand side, I see two options, either numbers for print/scroll lock, etc. I wonder what I could do to have it in unprinted to match the rest of the keys.

Basically, I’d like a keyboard in this picture,



admin Answered question June 18, 2021

Hi Richard, glad you are joining the project!

The right side block options describe the factory default programming, not the printing on the keys.  All the black keys are unprinted as sublimation on black keys is unfortunately not possible.  After receiving the keyboard you can always adjust any of the programming.

If you order a keyboard with a sublimated key set, you would get both right side block options 1 and 2 so you can switch later on if desired.

admin Answered question June 18, 2021
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