Ortholinear Split Ergonomic Model F Keyboard

Starting at $799

Recommended Add-Ons

Notes / How'd you hear about the project? What convinced you to join in?

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Now that the auction winners have completed their orders, the few remaining F15, F50 and F Split Ortho units will be open to the public while supplies last.  

For this last keyboard, the single digit serial upgrade option is included in the cost.  You may select any remaining serial number listed above at no extra charge.  For other serial or date requests you will still need to choose the other custom serial button above and pay a little more.

Recommendations with your keyboard order:

  1. First Aid Kit – highly recommended since these are custom made foam pieces and I did not order many of them.  Limit 3 kits/foams per keyboard order.  Just click the check mark on this page and you’ll get the correct kit for your keyboard.
  2. Custom/Low Serial – pick your serial/production date and the price will be calculated for you below.  The web site reserves your serial only for 30 minutes after adding it to your cart, so you have to check out before then or the serial can go to someone else and you would have to start again.
  3. Your keyboard includes two key sets:  you get any new Model F full key set in stock (just note which one you want or I’ll assume regular US) and you get the full Ergodox key set.  Please review the additional notes below, including the note that not all pictured keys on the sample keyboard are included, so you’ll have to see what is included in the Ergodox and main sets vs. how you want to configure the board.  For example, to get the keys required for the pictured layout, go to the Extra Keys and purchase these 1U keys: Cmd, Ctrl, and Alt. Unfortunately I cannot substitute or mix and match keys. Picking an ISO set doesn’t automatically set your keyboard to ISO style as they are all default ANSI style.  Plan for the most amount of flexibility of how to configure your new keyboard as your preferences will change as you get to using the keyboard:  Full Key Sets in various colors, Transparent Relegendable Keys, and Custom Extra Keys.
  4. F1-F12 front printed key set
  5. Industrial SSK 12 key set
  6. Bumpers to vary the keyboard height and angle
  7. Solenoid driver with solenoid – add one to your other new Model F keyboard or keep for future usage from my old group buy; they will not fit in the compact cases of these keyboards however.

Important notes: 

  1. September 2023 update:  Thanks to the great work by Deskthority forum member NathanA, these boards all have the open source Vial firmware as the default, which means you can use the Vial program or go to the web site vial.rocks to configure your keyboard.  Both options automatically recognize the keyboard, no need to download any configuration files.
  2. 10/5/23 update Regarding key combinations: NathanA’s workaround to allow layer sharing between both halves is working; this functionality is built into the new firmware.  I tested it on the production split boards and it is working. There are some limitations as detailed in posts from NathanA, especially this one:  https://deskthority.net/viewtopic.php?p=516636#p516636 Layer programming would be normal with this and the base Vial firmware is already preprogrammed for the second layer.  This NathanA firmware will be the one that ships with each board.  The layers are programmed to each board and no additional hardware is needed, so this should meet most folks’ requirements.  This does not affect 99% of what most folks do.  For example, you can click Ctrl on the right side keyboard half and click S on the left side to send Ctrl+S to the computer without doing anything extra.  You can’t click a key designated as Fn or MO(1) on one half and another key on the other half, since the Fn key press is not sent to the computer but is only used inside the QMK controller.  Additional Recommended options:
    1. Use the built in tap keys functionality instead of the old function layers, or use that half of the board’s function key for function layers on that board.  Tap keys example: you can set the 1 key to send “1” if pressed normally, or “F1” if pressed and held down for a slightly longer amount of time that you can customize.  Included by default in the firmware – all you have to do is configure it.
    2. Software remapping:  AutoHotKey, Sharpneys, Keytweak on Windows.  Karabiner Elements on Mac.  xbindkeys, xmodmap, autokey, keyd, kbct, kmonad, interception, xmodmap, setxkbmap, xkeysnail on Linux.  In Vial, set one key on each keyboard to an unused scan code (such as F13 through F24, 0xde, or 0xdf).  Then in software you can configure a keypress combination of that key plus another key, in order to produce a specific output like volume mute, skip track, etc.  For the Mac, it is reported that all you have to do is install the program to share modifiers between keyboard halves; no configuration needed.
  3. This Brand New Ortholinear Split Ergonomic Model F Keyboard has an anodized metal (aluminum) case, available only in black.  There is no available model with an original style case.  The photos in the product gallery include a group shot of various boards.
  4. This keyboard will include the full and Ergodox key sets.  Check out the Extra Keys product page to see what will be included, and to order any additional keys needed for the layout you want.  You may not receive all the pictured keys in the above photos.  You can order various custom keys on the Extra Keys page, and you can also order transparent relegendable keys here.
  5. Each half of the keyboard has a separate xwhatsit controller.  Your computer will recognize two keyboards and you will need two free USB ports on your computer.  There will be two USB cables included.  It is not the case that one half of the keyboard connects to the other half.  I looked into putting a USB hub into one of the halves so that there could be one cable going into the other half and just one cable going to the computer, but that option was too complicated for a tiny production run.
  6. Some boards like the original IBM M15 Adjustable Keyboard and Ergodox EZ have highly adjustable legs/feet and a way to interconnect the halves (with the M15).  The new boards do not offer these options as a factory-provided solution.  These boards have 4 holes in the bottom of each half to accommodate long bolts that could be used in combination with rubber feet/bumpers to make these keyboards even more adjustable in their positioning.  If anyone does any customizations in this regard please do share them with me!
  7. Some folks have outstanding orders such as a beam spring keyboard, Model F keyboard, or accessories.  I have already paid the factory for these items and they are either in stock, in production, or have completed production and are on their way to me.  Unfortunately I am unable to exchange or cancel any prior orders so that you can get one of these new offerings.  Please don’t ask!  No exceptions.

Shipping Rates — US: Free. See the Shop page for additional rates.

Need help ordering? Please feel free to email me directly and I will help you! The email address is at the bottom of the page.

Choose Custom/Low Serial Number and jump ahead in line!  Also a great way to support the project a little more and request your own serial number and/or production date.  Serials can be up to 7 numerical digits only – no letters or other special characters.

Please do check out the other items in the store, especially the First Aid Kit of spare parts for future repairs once production has long shut down (over 1000 kits ordered so far!), the brand new custom made solenoid and solenoid driver, controllers, key pullers, extra key sets (the key tops do wear down over time and you won’t be able to buy more XT quality one piece keys after the end of the project) and also a spare custom made 3 meter USB cable (same as the one that is installed with the keyboard). I hope to be able to manufacture as many First Aid Kits and spare parts as possible to keep all these great Model F keyboards running decades from now.

There are additional key sets that can be ordered on the “Full Key Set” product page.  Please check out that page for additional details.

Please check out the home page to review all of the features and specifications of the Brand New Model F Keyboards.  All Brand New Model F Keyboards are fully functional with Mac, PC, Linux, and Android!  While ordering any of the recommended add-ons, please review the individual product pages to see the details of what you are getting.

Want to adjust the angle / height of your keyboard?  Check out the available bumpers of varying heights:  1/16″, 1/8″, 1/4″, 1/2″, 1″  see this store item for details.

Important Notes and Limited Warranty information: legal, safety, and limited warranty information for this MODEL F LABS LLC product is available to consumers pre-sale and will be furnished upon request, by writing to the email or mailing address at the bottom of this web page.  Of course you’ll get a printed booklet with your order shipment!

Key colors (from left to right:  Pebble, Pearl, Black, Industrial SSK Blue, 60% Dark Gray):

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